Winning together: Creating a unified brand experience


National Wholesale Conference and Brand Experience

Shell is already the brand of choice for consumers and wholesalers alike. By bringing together the many Shell sub-brands for a unified experience, Shell was able to provide a premium, immersive environment educating attendees and reaffirming their choice in a partner.

April 2019


attendeesacross exclusive two-day Shell event


Winning together

The Shell National Wholesale Conference and Brand Experience is an example of how Shell is committed to sharing innovation, new marketing programs, and communication programs to its Wholesale owners and Retailers. Welcoming more than 1500 B2B attendees every 3-years, Shell delivers a unique experience by creating a fully branded environment where attendees can be immersed in all things that will help them succeed with their business.

An experience like no other

We brought to life this elaborate two-day event in Los Angeles delivering on a challenging brief to bring together multiple Shell businesses and brands, preferred vendors and sponsors into one comprehensive experience, for its B2B attendees, like no other.


Value for the audience

We designed a welcoming and immersive environment allowing attendees exclusive access to the world of Shell. The event educated attendees on new Shell initiatives and left them excited about the partnership.

Value for the brand

Through the National Wholesale Conference and Brand Experience, Shell was able educate and engage with its target audience reaffirming them as the partner of choice, receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees saying that the event was "fully comprehensive" and "nobody else compares."

"The Brand Experience was a huge hit."

Shell Customer Operations

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Live at le Louvre

By bringing the world together through music and art in a culturally impactful brand moment.

As Paris got ready to host the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Visa kick-started the summer with its first-ever concert in one of the world’s most iconic locations, The Musée du Louvre.
